Episode 107

January 07, 2025


The Talent Development & Consulting Leader, Becca Froh

Hosted by

Josh Thomas Ana Gonzalez Ana Gonzalez Josh Thomas
The Talent Development & Consulting Leader, Becca Froh
Basic Business AI
The Talent Development & Consulting Leader, Becca Froh

Jan 07 2025 | 00:08:40


Show Notes

Becca Froh shares the transformative impact of AI on coaching and course design. She explains how generative AI tools like Photo Leap and Videoleap can create unique advertising content and enhance course materials. Additionally, she discusses the potential benefits and common misconceptions about AI in the industry, emphasizing that while it changes the landscape, it also opens new creative avenues for graphic designers and artists. 

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Welcome to Basic Business AI, a podcast dedicated to simple AI strategies for businesses who don't want to get an advanced tech degree or hire some marketing bro. I'm your host Ana Gonzalez and you can find me on social media at Annabelle Prime. We bring on regular business owners like you and me to discuss practical strategies, ideas and perspectives about AI without getting too far into the weeds of the tech. BBAI is sponsored by Conversational Funnels. The easiest way to get more sales is to get more chances to sell. We used one simple conversational funnel to casually book 121 qualified sales opportunities in less than two weeks in a brand new market where we had zero presence and zero connections, all without getting spending on ads, doing cold outreach or posting endlessly on social media. This is the new way to close high ticket clients for 2025. And it only takes minutes to start booking calls. Download the blueprint for free at Conversational funnels. Com. Today's guest is Becca Fro. Becca helps coaches create and gamify courses. So Becca, welcome to Basic Business AI. From your perspective, how is AI reshaping the future of your industry? [00:01:21] Speaker B: Thank you so much. AI is definitely reshaping the future of coaching and course design. For one thing, if you are not a great artist like me, you can now use generative AI to create photos which are great for advertising, it's great for social media, it's great for use in your courses or in your coaching. And then also for videos. But not only that, you can do AI music, which is super cool. I love Google's beta version of AI music. You can create absolutely anything you want and then download it. And so then I start with a program called PhotoLeap and I do generative AI and then I'll edit the photo, I'll animate elements of the photo and then transfer it to a system called VideoLeap, which is the same company. And in Video Leap, I add that Google AI music and then I piece the photos together and add transitions so it becomes a video with music all AI generated well. And these hands. [00:02:41] Speaker A: Oh wow. So okay, so what? That's awesome. I have so many questions now. So what would be a practical application for your business? [00:02:55] Speaker B: Absolutely. So say you wanted to put out an ad on Facebook or Instagram. So instead of using Canva, you could use PhotoLeap and VideoLeap to create those videos. It has just a different look and feel and nobody else is going to have the same template as you. So definitely I use Canva sometimes, but I love my Photoleap videoleap stuff. And then Canva actually has a really cool new feature for AI where they have AI voice and you can just type in whatever you want the AI to say, and then over animated media, it'll come out as a voice talking over your video. So I just found that last week, and that has been really fun as well. [00:03:45] Speaker A: That's awesome. How have you found that voice to sound compared to other voices? For instance, I've seen reels with voice that is AI and TikTok, and it's like the same voice for every single reel that I see for different people. And it's like this really famous voice that I. I now cringe when I. [00:04:09] Speaker B: Hear that just means they're being lazy because there's different options. And you can choose. I don't know if it's a premium feature, but you can choose different characters. And some of them sound really robotic, and some of them sound really realistic. Some of them have like an Australian accent or an English accent, and it's kind of fun to play around with those. And then there's, you know, deeper voices for men and more feminine voices, and it's really kind of whatever you want. You just have to play around and see her platform, which voices perform the best. [00:04:45] Speaker A: Oh, that's awesome. Okay. I've never played with that, so I was wondering, hey, do you guys only have one voice? Why, why, why is it happening? So it's great to know that there's different voices that you can choose from, and great to know about these platforms that you're talking about that are an alternative to Canva and templates that other people also have. Thank you so much for sharing that. What would be some general ideas that you've heard that address broadcast misunderstandings? Like, we already had heard that it's gonna take my job or like, things like that. But like, in this specific application that you're. That you're telling us, have. Have you heard any misunderstandings or concerns that you'd like to be like, no, this is this. [00:05:35] Speaker B: Well, I mean, I've heard concerns about safety. There's no concerns about safety. It's not like you're putting your personal information in there. There's no pii worry about personal safety as far as it taking jobs. I mean, for. For artists, for graphic designers, it certainly does take a hit to their business because people like me who used to rely on graphic designers can now do the work themselves. And if you choose to do it yourself, then, you know, it's taking away work from. From another. However, it's so fun to dive in and to learn. I really don't think that it's a loss because I think those graphic designers and those artists can just find a way to use it within their creativity and that they can benefit from it as well. So I don't think it's going to take artists or graphic designers jobs. Overall. [00:06:33] Speaker A: I love that you mentioned that because I remember that when Photoshop started to be a thing, graphic designers and artists were like, that's gonna take my job and that's not real art. And now we or people use it and it's not taking away their jobs or it's not taking anything. And now Photoshop also has AI, I think. Yeah, that's awesome. So Becca, tell us about who you serve and how people can reach out to you. [00:07:00] Speaker B: Absolutely. I serve primarily coaches. However, I serve all business owners. In fact, I've created curriculum for several different univers, but primarily coaches. And you can reach me atgamify your coaching.com. you can try a free course. You just click on Try a Free Course and you'll see a sample of the gamified work and the AI videos. So super excited for you to check that out and give me your feedback on how the AI looks. [00:07:36] Speaker A: Amazing. So we're going to wrap from here. Thanks so much to our guest Becca Fro for joining us for a practical conversation about AI and its potential for business. You can learn more about what she does by visiting gamifyourcoaching.com go there and click on Try a Free course. [00:07:55] Speaker B: You're the best. [00:07:57] Speaker A: If you run a business of any size and you have some ideas or strategies around the topic of AI, we'd love to have you on for a future episode as well. We interview business owners of all levels of experience and exposure to AI so we can represent all voices, especially the 90% of us who aren't curious about AI but not trying to be tech geniuses. Apply for our future episode by going to basicbusinessai.com and one more time, if you want to stuff your calendar with qualified and motivated ideal clients who want what you have, download the Conversational Funnels blueprint for [email protected] See you next time on Basic Business AI. Oh by the way, if you like this episode, tell your friends. See you later.

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